INSTALLATION #180. HB 1506 and 1503, Shalene Flanagan; National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.

On Seeing, A Journal. #368
May 29, 2020

My “Installations” project continues…


INSTALLATION #162. Powder Study #1456; Museum of Modern Art, New York.


INSTALLATION #173. UW #3300, Shawnee Free Jones; Museum of Modern Art, NYC.


INSTALLATION #175. Dance Study #1286, Yannick Lebrun; Chelsea Art Galleries, NYC.


INSTALLATION #176. Common Peony; Pier 92 AIPAD (Association of Independent Photographic Art Dealers show), New York City.


INSTALLATION #181. Natalie Watters, Folsom Street Art Fair, San Francisco, CA. From the book, “KINK;” Chelsea Gallery of Photographic Art, NYC.