On Seeing, A Journal. #443

Botanica + KINK = Diptychs

August 3, 2021


In a constant search for find visual magic I have been exploring the combination of two seemingly diverse and even incompatible groups of images into adjoining pairs, “diptychs,”  by utilizing images I’ve made for “BOTANICA“.


and for “KINK”.



From these apparently very disparate families of images, I searched for visual resonance and correspondence. My efforts have been rewarded often with delightful surprise.
This explorative process, one of trial and much error, required patience: eventually, I found winners and frequently enough that I was able to keep at it.  Incorporating what I’ve called “the brass butt syndrome,” where one sits in one place and stays there, working, not getting up, the creative gods, at times reluctantly, it seemed, will yield magic.  Try it sometime.
On understanding this work: I know when individuals look at images, mine included, they spend a fraction of a second ”thumbing through,” seeing, though not really looking, and rarely searching and wondering.  So I suggest when seeing one of these diptychs you might ask yourself, What was Schatz thinking when he put these photographs side-to-side? How are they connected, if at all?  And within the pair “What does one image say about the other and visa versa?  How do they speak to one another?”  I attempted to compatibly join them compositionally, emotionally, chromatically, geometrically, oppositionally (disharmoniously) and mysteriously.
I think such an effort would be worthwhile.
Have fun, see what you come up with——and, let me know.