BLOG #136   2/19/16


In this image, I had the model lie in the water; I stood, photographing down at her in the water, a point of view that took in no sky. Then I added a mirror, placed in such way that the sky, a different blue than the water, appeared as if by slight of hand.

I was dong a fashion shoot at Miami Beach for Rampage. There was a reason to be in southern Florida and not in my New York Studio, so I wanted the image to show not only the fashions but the beach, the water, the sky, etc., all without diverting the attention from the clothes. But how to do that?

MIRRORS! A mirror is such a wonderful tool to inject surprise and an element of surrealism into otherwise straightforward pictures that using one or more can lead to unplanned amazements.


Here, I used mirrors to add sky and the palm trees that lined the back of the beach; the placement of the mirrors had the added benefit of giving me a model with three arms. Doing things like that on occasion can add a compelling if not just curious feel to an image—-one needs to be careful of avoiding the “goofy” factor.



Here, I used two mirrors, one for the fashion and one to include myself, for a slightly ironic reminder that fashion, and fashion photography, are artifices, and – if things work out just right – art. The birds were pure serendipity (not really), a photographer’s best friend forever.



Our model, Sarah Powell. Portraiture is often made more interesting with the addition of various ingredients, in this case, a mirror.


We are so pleased to announce that Schatz Images: 25 Years is the
Winner of the 2015 International Photography Award for Book of the Year;
Winner of The Best Photobooks of the Year, American Photo, 2015; and the
Gold Medal, One Eyeland, first Place Award.

Click here for information about the Retrospective:

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