On Seeing, A Journal. #407

“How’d You Do That!?”

October 30, 2020


A “Behind-the-Scenes” look about solving a problem in the physical world.

Key elements:

• Beautiful and willing model (Laura Taylor)
• Stylist/makup artist: Joann Gair and her assistants began by working clay into the Laura’s hair so that it could be sculpted into a beautiful, but impervious, design–one that would allow the chocolate syrup to flow around and off its surface.  Joann then did Laura’s make-up.
Our props:
A 100 gallon styrofoam planter (very light, easy to handle)
Ten 5-gallon cans of Hershey’s chocolate syrup
Pitchers for pouring,
Footstool to aid Laura getting into the container,
A Strawberry,
The assistants opened the ten 5-gallon containers of chocolate and poured them into the planter.All ready….

Laura stepped into the planter. The chocolate was room temperature (i.e. cold) ; she looked at me as she got in with a “are you kidding me” look, but she said not a peep.

The photographs readily describe the rest.

Testifying how she felt.
A few final touches.

A final endorsement from our model.

Our chocolate adventure (and editorial) was so successful that we were asked to do a “Chocolate Story” for Christmas for Stern Magazine in Germany. Two images with New York model Krista Ladd.