On Seeing, A Journal. #409
Exploration and Discovery
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

In the wonderful movie “Whiplash,” a harshly demanding music professor tells an aspiring drummer that the worst two words in the English language are “good job.” To him, good was far from good enough.

The same thing might be said about photography. However “hard-earned,” “well-done” and “good” an image may be, it will very likely not be enough.   And, one could add “nice” and “interesting” to this list indicating unremarkable.

Instead of “good job,” I believe “not enough” ought be ever-present in the consciousness of any creative experience and adventure. And then, “Where can this possibly go? Can I impart any idea to make a memorable surprise?”

Given the pandemic’s shut down, making new images in the studio has been suspended for at least the foreseeable future. So each day of this frustrating time, I go on an expedition to unearth images made previously and sometimes not appreciated at the time. These daily voyages into the past have revealed images that now seem new to me, capable of rebirth in delightful ways.

Brooke Baker, a model who was also a dancer (this rare combination was pure gold for me).  For creative explorations, Brooke was the dream muse.

Utilizing one “special” image of Brooke, I spent a great deal of time and creative energy exploring a world of visual possibilities with “surprise and delight” constantly in mind. I experimented endlessly. I put the images away and returned to them another day. I did this over and over producing countless images. Here: a few that seemed to work.